Frazier - My lap cat. Frazier is the timid one. If he doesn't know you, you are not apt to see him but be at our house for a while and he'll come around. I also call Frazier, Mr. Drool - when he's happy, he drools! We got Frazier from the Upshur County Humane Society about 10 years ago and Frazier was almost full grown then. I am going to venture to say he is 12 - 13 years old.
Whiskers - Also know as Sir Whiskers Purrs-alot. No matter where you are, Whiskers is in the middle of it. My Mom says he reminds her a lot of me - he has personality. We got Whiskers when he was a baby, he is almost 4 now.
Stray - The Queen of the household and does she ever know it. Stray came to us about three years ago and has just settled herself in. Frazier and Whiskers have a time with her sometime, but that is just a girl showing boys that she is better than they are!!!!